words: programming, web-development, www, perl, perl5, php, javascript, js, jquery, bash, html, html5, css, css3, unix, bsd, freebsd, linux, ubuntu, debian, apache, nginx, dba, databases, mysql, sqlite, subversion, svn, git, cpan, github, catalyst, mojolicious, trac, redmine, ruby, rails, openstreetmap, osm, lilypond, scores, russian, english, german, deutsch, bike, hiking, white water, music, guitar, choir, bass, primavera
- Blog at shoorick.ru and its copies at Google+, LinkedIn, LiveJournal, Tumblr (in Russian)
- Photos at
panoramio/ Google Maps - Presentations and talks (mostly in Russian)
- GitHub and GitHub Gist
- g, f v s shoorick77, ICQ 7976842t Twitter @shoorick77